The BKS is a society of artists who design and create kaleidoscopes; the galleries and shops who sell kaleidoscopes; and the collectors and museums who appreciate and enjoy them. Our membership represents everyone with color in their soul and wonder in their hearts from all livable continents and multiple countries. This website tells the story of the kaleidoscope over the past 200 years and about the Brewster Kaleidoscope Society’s rich history and active members. In these pages, you can learn everything you need to know about how to purchase, collect and construct your own kaleidoscope. Welcome and Enjoy!
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我都是靠这个神器上外网,你伔呢?_凤凰科技 - ifeng.com:2021-12-28 · 而且 Stack Exchange 的所有子网站不用梯子都能 上! 唯一不方便的是:英语太差的人完全看不懂!!! 所众为了让你伔无障碍的在 Stack Exchange 上提出 ...
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Save The Date!!!
The 2021 Expo will be in Raleigh, NC, from Thursday, May 19th thru Sunday May 23rd.
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Planning is in the works for the 30th Expo and Convention postponed from 2024. Information will be updated as it becomes available. -
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大佬伔求PC上好用的梯子,众前用了很久的... - vgtime.com:大佬伔求PC上好用的梯子,众前用了很久的最近突然连不上了| (9) 赞(4) 评论(9) 跟帖规范 您还未登录,不能参与发言哦~ 按热度 按时间 手机用户6855987...
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What's New in Scopes
A new page to see new works and links to make them yours.
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last update 2024-04-29 -
Find Retailers
Search within the BKS retailer listings to find a retailer near you, or one who has the scope you’ve been looking for. As a BKS member retailer, you can share with the community your business information, list artists you represent and promote your gallery online.
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Member's Area
Android(安卓)端如何配置 Shadowsocks – 冰冰的小屋:如果是手机下载的,可众用手机里的文件管理器,找到该 APK 安装;如果是电脑下载的,请导入到手机里进行安装。 ... 我想问一下,安卓手机连SS,刚开始可众上,过一会就不能上了,要等一段时间再开才再能用一下,电脑 ...
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Kaleidoscope U
The definitive resource for everything about the kaleidoscope including the rich history of kaleidoscopes and instructions on building, collecting and selling your own kaleidoscopes. Ask a question, contribute to this content with your own expertise.
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Donate to the BKS
Why donate to the Brewster Kaleidoscope Society? As an organization BKS provides a forum for artists, collectors, and retailers to promote and perpetuate kaleidoscopes as a unique art form.
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Event Calendar
Check out what is happening and where your favorite artist will be appearing. Look for a kaleidoscope event near where you live or will be traveling. Read breaking news from the kaleidoscope community.
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New Kaleidoscope Blog
Cindy Riedl's Kaleidoscope Blog